• Guesstimate
  • Swag- The only exception being if it's Talk like a Pirate Day or you are in fact a pirate.
  • Haters- You don't have 'haters.' Shut up.
  • Aesthetic- Not everything is 'aesthetic.'
  • Jelly- You are jealous, not a thing you put on toast.
  • Obsessed- If you are totes obsessed with something, that's a problem. You should not be obsessed with the eyeliner you purchased five minutes ago.
  • Finna- I don't even know what this means!
  • Cheugy- If you ever use this word unironically, I hate you.
  • Glow Up- You're not a firefly, stop using this to say you got a face lift and botox.
  • Stan- We do not under any circumstance 'stan' someone.
  • Ghosting/ Ghosted- Not the worst on this list, but still stupid. It's ignore. I believe ignored is the word we are looking for here.
  • Boujee- GTFO of here with that term.
  • No Cap- I guess this means you are being truthful and not lying. If you use this word I am automatically going to believe every word you said before this is BS.
  • Low key and High key- Severely overused by annoying people.
  • Snack- Referring to someone who you deem attractive as a 'snack' makes me believe you are a cannibal.
  • Spilling the Tea- Wasteful. Drink your tea and be quiet.
  • Periodt- That is not how you spell period and it doesn't put any more emphasis on the point you were trying to make by misspelling a pretty basic word.
  • Sus- Shortened version for suspicious. Terrible word. If I ever hear anyone say 'sus' in the real world I will probably have a conniption.
  • Snatched- Sounds like you're a kidnapper.
  • Extra- This one really irritates me. Doing something different or better than someone else or working your butt off does not make you 'extra.'
  • It is what it is- Oh really? Is it now? This expression completely pointless!
  • Adulting- Please stop saying this. You are an ADULT doing THINGS, not 'adulting.'
  • All of the feels- Huh?
  • I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING.- No. No I am not. Don't presume to know my emotions.
  • Influencer- If you refer to yourself as an influencer or worse, a 'girlboss' I am blocking you.
  • "Hurt people hurt people."- I guess this is somewhat a thing, I won't deny that. But I've been hurt before and not once have I ever thought 'let's make someone miserable because I'm having a bad day.' That's a horrible mindset to have.
jul 15 2024 ∞
aug 18 2024 +