- 7/17/09: This takes place in a parking lot of some sort. It looks like the loading area in front of an airport. I'm talking casually to P, and accidentally slip out a secret S told me about P that P told S not to tell anyone about. S appears, gets pissed, and is no longer my friend. P is no longer my friend either. A appears, finds out I've been saying shit, gets pissed, and is no longer my friend. I see K walking down the street, and I am not acknowledged. I go back to a car to get in it when the door slams into my face and I am hit by a car at the same time. Screaming in pain, exaggerating it more than ever, I peek to see if anyone notices. I lay crumpled in the street, in my own blood, and all I receive is a small sympathetic look from A as she gets in a car, and K doesn't even turn around. He's still walking in the opposite direction of me.
- 8/17/09: I am some site, I think Tumblr, and I see a video embedded on what looks like my dashboard. I play it and am bewildered. It's a song compilation of Josh Beech's Snish/Hildamay and Ayumi Hamasaki. It's a song in the background of a slide show of photos. The photos are mainly just of Josh Beech and one of the photos is of Josh and Luke Worrall, except that Ayumi's head is photoshopped on top of Luke's. It makes no sense and it makes me feel depressed.
- Edit: I watched something for Ra-Re w/ JB and realize how much Devon Aoki looks like Ayumi. Mind = blown.
jul 18 2009 ∞
sep 4 2009 +