• math. This is most noticeable when calculating tips or making a deposit of more than one check at the bank.
  • Being assertive. Yeah. I'm a pushover. Big time.
  • waking up in the mornings. Snooze buttons were invented for a reason. That reason is me.
  • whistling. I'm jealous of people who can whistle. I can do it, just not very loud or very long. And whistling a tune? Completely out of the question.
  • geography. I couldn't be on Jeopardy for this reason. I really have trouble with places.... including directions. The TomTom is a lifesaver.
  • haggling. I think things should have a price and that should be what you have to pay for it.
  • small talk. I either hear something wrong and get confused or say something that makes no sense. In my defense, I usually say something that makes no sense because I heard the other person wrong.
  • video games. Like... unbelievably bad.
apr 9 2010 ∞
apr 13 2010 +