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quotes (Quotes I Like)
sep 16 2012
notes (Currently)
aug 13 2012
movies (2012 Movies That Look Interesting)
jun 18 2012
notes (Grad Food Picks)
may 16 2012
notes (Cat Grooming)
apr 24 2012
to do (Things Friends Recommended To Me)
jun 7 2012
television (TV Shows Watched in 2012)
jun 7 2012
notes (Overall [2012])
jun 7 2012
books (Books Read in 2012)
jun 3 2012
games (Games Beaten in 2012)
jun 3 2012
books (Books Read in 2011)
apr 10 2012
television (TV Series Watched in 2011)
apr 10 2012
videogames (Games Beaten in 2011)
apr 10 2012