- You are friends with/associate with my ex, or their friends.

- Use the text emotes/symbols: 'uwu, owo, >:3, uwo', ECT.

- Say, 'hewwo, or heewwooo. Or, 'im sowwy', ect.

- Are a babyfur/support/follow any. I will block you and the people you follow ect.

- DDLG/Sexualize Daddy, Sexualize Little Space/age regression.

- A Christian that is genuinely balls deep in Jesus. Will try and fucking shove their religion down my throat.

- Draw feral porn/Animal genitalia on feral & anthro characters.

- Do not use grammar correctly, e.g; u, ur, urs, r, ect.

- Pedophile/MAP/NOMAP/Pear Emoji weirdos, or supportive of artists who are said things. I'll actually put you on blast if I find out you are one sicko.

- You use Neopronouns/Will seriously threaten to kill/doxx me if I don't use your Neopronouns.

- Racist/white supremacist/nazistic/unironically enjoy NSBM/KKK affiliate.

- If you talk bad about LGBT+/are homophobic.

- Proana/edtwt/shtwt

- You unironically identify as a "Furry", That fandom has messed me up for 4+ years and I tend to have issues trusting those who are "PROUDLY FURRY OWO" (if you just draw cartoon animal characters though, thats chill, furries just freak me out bad and rub me the wrong way)

- Support Devin "Ghost" Sola, Marilyn Manson, or Jimmy Urine.

- You use slurs you cant reclaim/threaten people with said terms.

- You are against BLM/ACAB.

- If you're overly negative/nihilistic.

- Your stuff contains abuse/incest/gross sexual stuff. Keep that away from me, thanks!

- If you call me pet names. It just feels disingenuous and honestly really weirds me out.

- Sexualize my characters/me. I am a minor btw! Don't do that stuff!

sep 11 2021 ∞
oct 12 2021 +