Kittle -allow people a quara modality -daily browser -weekly browser -monthly browser -holidays (to report what you were into last

Associated Media -create streams of topics -create a theme or a category -and then allow it to be fully sharable -something to blog content accurately

Backend -ideally should be an auto feed -you select your categories -and they are fed to you daily, hour

Local Ads -create an advertising network built off of an api for local businesses to sell ads by the people who check-in at their businesses

You can broadcast your check-ins and get paid to check in for generating advertising

-this is where i go -this is the neighborhood -here is what i get -you can blog for them -$10

mitzubitishi tuna

Suitcha -designer -tumblr for t-shirts -create your own line -we send you a t-shirt -create stuff for your school -no tax on your money until you make more than $600

Ironic Mugs -you create it -and tumblr it -we'll sell it

Suitcha for tumblr.

Love (book) -a series of vignettes -about why love is simple -why it doesn't require a particular romancing -it was about friends -different groups -and their challenges -a block of cheese

love occurs always see the love

why is it that we only allow a particular kind of love in our life? what does it say about our relationships? not only the people in our lives, but also in the way we treat ourselves? the experience? the worthwhile actions? do we value our time, and does it matter? what if we could throw away our perceived value of action now and how that affects what we can do?

Mary Should Act as an Editor -for stories, sites, etc.

Uncle Cuddy the story of a skitzophrenic slowly realizing he's becoming skitzo quickly becoming idiosyncratic weaving together paths but then getting confused tricked. hurt. sick the story of this life is narrated by 'Cuddy' whose life is falling apart

doing everything he can not to kill himself for us.

his brothers both killed themselves his life is a wreck a delusional mess. and he's suicidal

we also see the story of the an internet economic fix of unsurpassed proportions a personal safety app for college aged girls and unbelievable champion of character

Business Product -the opportunity to earn -investment products for young kids -investment products for young professionals

merchandised very well -for life insurance -and mutual fund investment -google financial -kittle -no one will ever monopolize media for your financial profile

Connect with your Google (Re-branding) -to northwestern mutual -which will be the avatar for online

jan 2 2011 ∞
jan 2 2011 +