So we got back from our big holiday in the US at the start of Feb 2020, and then I had the Improverished Fringe Festival show to put together in a month, and then I was working full time flyering for Tim Bray, and two weeks after Fringe we went into lockdown.

So I watched, and read plenty of content (not so much with the shows :P) in 2020, but I never ended up making any lists for it. Okay I wrote that and then discovered that actually I did make lists! I just stopped updating them! So hey that's at least something :) I updated them a little with what I could remember. Maybe I will find the time to go through my Netflix history etc. at some point, but I don't think that should really be a priority.

I still watched and enjoyed the things even if I didn't write them down ^_^

feb 7 2021 ∞
feb 7 2021 +