• loud chewing
  • the sound of bags/paper crunching
  • whatever that sound is that my dad toes with his toes when he's laying on the couch
  • when you don't know what something is and a person makes you feel dumb for not knowing about it
  • people who are chronically late and make no efforts to change it
  • people who don't cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze
  • people who have no concept of the amount of space they're taking up and make no effort to make room for others (i.e. shopping aisles)
  • people who talk through an entire movie
  • when a guy says he will watch an important movie with you and then tries to hookup with you during the movie
  • know-it-alls
  • people who make a big deal about their personal characteristics (i.e. colorblind people or vegans who can't stop telling you the same thing about themselves in slightly different ways)
dec 12 2018 ∞
dec 27 2018 +