
  • listening to the singing princesses at the renaissance festival
  • skateboarding high and thinking about gravity
  • volunteering at the humane society shelter and hearing john denver and skeeter davis on repeat
  • rising before the sun to see it light the sky from the seat of my bike and realizing how quiet the city is in the earliest hours of the morning


  • surprising a friend at school on their birthday and spending time with them and others at the beach


  • traveling by myself for the first time
  • spending time with unfamiliar people, getting caught in the rain and rolling at the red rocks with them, walking through downtown denver while being held by someone loved, petting a husky, and listening to didgeridoo music in a stranger's car while driving up the rocks
  • cooking vegan meals with friends
apr 24 2016 ∞
jul 17 2017 +