• last name: -ile-
  • last screen name: gcermys
  • last person who went to house: Mom
  • last item bought: burrito from Sheetz
  • last shirt worn: purple tank top
  • last time at the mall: 2 1/2 weeks ago
  • last car ride: home from wal-mart today
  • last plane ride: home from ohio in 2007
  • last jewelry worn: earrings, wedding ring, class ring
  • last funeral attended: Aaron's
  • last wedding attended: my own
  • last thought: it's HOT outside
  • last disappointment: that my chair was buried in the midst of all my other classroom furniture
  • last laugh: about waiting at the post office for mail that was already picked up
  • last birthday present received: bookcase and picture and luggage set
  • last christmas present received: kindle
  • last person hugged: a couple of weeks ago over a movie
  • last thing lost: not sure, I don't really lose things
  • last dream remembered: old boss at Mimi's contacted me
  • last time had a dream: a couple nights ago
  • last food ate: burrito
  • last thing drank: water
  • last thing drank from Starbucks: Iced white chocolate mocha
  • last soda drank: Coke
  • last ice cream eaten: birthday cake from rockhill creamery
  • last restaurant ate at: Dolphin Den
  • last book read: The Dive Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood
  • last TV show watched: Degrassi
  • last movie watched in theaters: Shutter Island
  • last movie watched in dvd: Taken
  • last album listened: Now 32
  • last song listened: Spose-Awesome
  • last cd bought: Breast Cancer Benefit CD - Hope
  • last dvd bought: a gift (can't write it)
  • last concert: Jewel
  • last concert ticket bought: I never bought them
  • last phone call: Mom
  • last missed call: Dad
  • last website visited: listography.com
jul 6 2010 ∞
jul 6 2010 +