- When you throw metal with mittens on it looks kinda hilarious.
- a closed mouth gathers no feet
- I love the way sound echoes in the winter. it doesn't do that in the summertime.
- is gratefilled
- cheese grits.
- is giving thanks and praise.
- is brave.
- i am most assuredly an emotionally stressed eater
- Colon close parenthesis
- Joy!
- is scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the heads
- snoozy sneezy
- Is that the harvest moon?
- Cruisin west glenwood for candy. dressed as kurt cobain.
- If i color my hair with koolade 2nite will it wash out by monday?
- why do gray hairs have to be that way?
- It smells cold tonight.
- is bringin yuppie back
- Sometimes love (really ) is all you need.
- Glory to God in the Highest!
- The Tin Man totally did the lean way before Michael Jackson.
- Woke up in Mobile this morning. didn't bob dylan sing a song about this?
- Perfect Sunday: 8:30 Mass; Scripture Study; Coffee; jazz; *Crossword puzzle;light dinner, maybe a movie. All With Friends!
- saw a man texting from his john deere
- Headed to a birthday party down a dirt road
- There's no place like home.
- I simply do not have enough closet space.
- Boiled peanuts are not a ladylike snack.
- Where is Lodi?
- Hay tin I-65
- The level of dysfunctionality i have witnessed is freaking amazing!
- Had lunch with a buncha 5th graders today. I AM smarter than a 5th grader.
- A month of nights, a year of days, Octobers drifting into Mays;I set my sail as the tide comes in and I just cast my *fate to the wind.
- seriously thinking about an afternoon nap.
- i like the way car windshields are darker at the top.
- fades into you.
- is motorin'
dec 11 2009 ∞
dec 11 2009 +