• 2-9-2020: currently seeing therapist for anxiety and paranoia, getting medicine for my air allergy, getting medicine for my sleep. mental health: 5/10, physical health: 8/10. no further comment
  • 4-4-2020: currently under house quarantine from covid-19. Less energized, quieter than usual. Mental health: 4/10, physical health: 7/10. No further comment.
  • 6-18-2020: the state is getting a little better about COVID.. but it’s a black lives matter uprising and some of the riots aren’t great. Mental health: 5/10, physical health: 7/10, no further comment
  • 3-3-2021: been a lot of ups and downs lately but I think things are getting better, been in the Bible more. Mental health: 7/10, physical health: 6/10, no further comment.
  • 12-13-2021: too much has happened with both good and bad, family and health is rough but making it by Gods grace. Mental health: 6-8/10, physical health: 6/10, no further comment.
feb 9 2020 ∞
dec 14 2021 +