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  • i DO use the r-slur (retarded) since i can reclaim it, and i've always used it anyway. i don't use it to insult any real people, though if you don't feel comfortable with me using the word in a conversation with you, lemme know! i don't say it often, but i have said it some times.
  • i like to be goofy, send memes, and hopefully make people at least smile. nothing makes my day more than having a good laugh with a friend! please tell me directly (but politely) if i make you uncomfortable! i don't wanna hurt anyone...
  • my mind isn't in a good place right now, and i tend to cope with it using self deprecating jokes and sarcastic humor. in no way am i making fun of OTHER peoples' mental disorders, i'm only making fun of my OWN. if you feel uncomfortable with that, please let me know and i'll try to stop.
  • when i either don't respond or only make a simple response, it's not because i don't like you, it's either because i don't know HOW to respond, or i just don't understand what you're saying. it may also be because i am a bit shy sometimes hehehh
  • you're heckin valid
aug 6 2020 ∞
sep 24 2020 +