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"Her life improved dramatically when she decided to break the rules, and see beauty where she'd be told there was none."

listography NEW NEWS

when i asked my friends and family to describe me for a psych project, this is what they had to say....

  • i can always find you real easily in a crowded room because you have this crazy mass of blonde hair.- tommy
  • five foot nothing.- adam
  • you keep the peace, honestly do you ever get mad at anybody? besides your mom. your very calm and peaceful, and a good listener, whenever i need to vent, you're always there. so i guess that makes you a good friend too.- carly
  • stoner.- jess
  • you need to start wearing shoes more often, and shower i guess i would describe you as kinda gross.- lana
  • a ridiculously hard person to get ahold of.- lana
  • you're just weird, like the weirdest person i know.- shawn
  • you know what you really need, is to start acting more responsible, i mean you're 18 hailey, you have to stop being so lazy and do some shit.-mom
  • my wayward daughter.-mom
  • you are the biggest flake i know.- whitney
  • you have the coolest green eyes.- jess
  • you have a nice mole on your back.- shawn
  • hailey, you are crazy and all over the place, you're a little free spirit.-eric
  • your messy and disorganized, go clean your room.- dad
  • you go with the flow, girl.- aubrey
  • you're great with kids, they adore you.- cathy
  • you're happiest when you're tan, blonde, and on the beach, you're a summer time girl.- whitney
  • you're like a real hippie, like you don't try to pretend like that other girl who got dreads. you like, just are naturally, man. nothing bothers you. you know, just rolling with the tide.- bryan
  • things that are supposed to be funny like youtube videos, you don't think are funny. but random, everday things like vacuming and washing your face, make you laugh.- melissa
  • honestly, you're 12 year old sister is probably more mature than you.- mom
  • you can be kind of anti-social sometimes.-robin
  • you fall down a lot, actually something must be wrong with you, everytime i see you, you have a new scrape or bruise.- tommy
dec 10 2011 ∞
jan 2 2012 +