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"Her life improved dramatically when she decided to break the rules, and see beauty where she'd be told there was none."

listography NEW NEWS
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  • the old farm market my family used to own up until i was about 13
  • playing in the greenhouses.
  • hiding in the cornfields.
  • crashing into the mailbox with the gator when i was in the 4th grade.
  • when the entire town came out to the annual easter egg hunt at our farm.
  • blowing up balloons with the helium tank.
  • the ice cream shop next door to the market, and thinking i was so cool because i would go behind the counter and get free ice cream because the girl who worked there was my babysitter.
  • my uncle tying a giant rope swing in my grandparents front yard.
  • the big tree, all of my friends and i used to play under at recess.
  • refusing to have assigned seats at lunch by tying ourselves to the fence by our shoe laces, in 3rd grade.
  • the old man who was always either cutting his grass or taking care of his horses on the other side of the fence at recess.
  • opening presents at our house on christmas morning, then walking over to my grandparents house to eat a big breakfast.
  • my uncles taking all us kids for rides on their dirtbikes.
  • going fishing with my dad and brother at my uncles pond.
  • the crazy daisy in the backyard during summer.
  • furby's.
  • my obbession with kit kat bars.
  • max and murphy, our dog and cat.
  • my grandpa setting up his train tracks every winter.
  • ceral bowls with built in straws.
  • blow pens.
  • my simba stuffed animal i recieved on my 2nd birthday
  • bean bag chairs.
  • lunchables.
  • my cookie monster chair.
  • always hanging out with my cousins.
  • being the only girl on the basket ball team.
  • girl scouts.
  • watching happy days and the brady bunch every night before i went to sleep, from ages 7-11.
  • daring my friends to go into the hayloft of the barn.
  • having campouts in the backyard.
  • running threw rows of pansies in the spring and thinking, i am so happy right now.
sep 23 2011 ∞
feb 16 2012 +