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"Her life improved dramatically when she decided to break the rules, and see beauty where she'd be told there was none."

listography NEW NEWS
  • brown eyed girl: my mom would always sing this, every time we drove down to the beach. i knew all the words by the time i was 9.
  • hey jude: the first beatles song i ever heard. after i listened to it i forced my dad to let borrow me all of his beatles cd's.
  • all summer long: this is pretty much the summer anthem every year, by mid august it gets pretty old. but i still love it.
  • with me: the first song i slow danced to without feeling completely awkward. it's techinally not my first slow dance, but i like to think it is. because the first time ended with me in the bathroom half way threw the song.
  • santeria: summer of '09. reminds me of long summer nights at the beach, sitting on the deck just talking about everything.
  • american pie: my mom always sings this in the kitchen when she's cooking. whenever i hear it, i just think of my family because everyone knows the words because of her.
  • drops of jupiter: junior year, winter time. my friends and i would listen to it in the car and scream out all of the words.
  • the rock show: i first heard this song in 6th and thought i was a total badass because i knew who blink 182 was.
  • dirt road anthem & jack and diane: both songs me and my friends were constantly singing this summer. i don't really know why. but hearing these songs makes me happy.
  • home: i just loved this song, and people would make fun of me for listening to it. then it became kind of popular. and everyone was like, this is such a rad song. cooooooool.
  • oh aaron: my first cd. ha.
sep 24 2011 ∞
jan 2 2012 +