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"Her life improved dramatically when she decided to break the rules, and see beauty where she'd be told there was none."

listography NEW NEWS
  • Chris, 8. We were in 3rd grade and during recess I had lost one of my favorite bouncy balls behind the jungle gym. I was back there by myself looking for it, when a kickball rolled by and Chris came after it. I was knealing on the ground looking underneath for my ball, and he came right next to me to help. We were inches apart, and I just remember lifting my head up and seeing him stare at me. He handed me my ball, kissed me real quick on the lips and then ran away. I ran to tell all of my girlfriends what just happened, and we would giggle everytime we saw Chris in class or in the hallway. I would wave to him in the cafeteria, but I never talked to him after that, until 6th grade and we both acted like nothing happened. Later on I found out that Chris had kissed many girls on the playground.
  • Richie, 14. This was my first 'real' kiss. My family has had a beach house since I was 10, and I still spend every summer there. Richie lived there year-round and his family owned the local deli, that all of us kids would hang around at. All he wore were board shorts, and he had blonde streaks in his hair, and had beautiful tan skin. He woke up ridiculousy early to go surfing. Richie and I hung out with the same group of friends, but we had never really talked to each other that much. One weekend, for whatever reason, no one was really around. It was the end of the day, after dinner, and since no one was there I rode my bike to the beach and sat on the little balcony that overlooked the ocean by myself. About 10 minutes later Richie showed up. He sat nexted to me and we started talking. He kept saying how I was jealous of my friend Macy, because the two of them would always flirt. I told him I didn't care. He said I would get jealous if Macy and him kissed. I said I wouldn't. He asked what I would do if he kissed me. I told him I would probably push him off the balcony (it was only a two foot drop into the sand). He playfully jabbed me in the arm, and in the midst of my eyerolling, he kissed me. It was so unexpected that I didn't react. When he took his lips off of mine, I didn't know what to do, so I just shoved him off the balcony. He pulled me down with him, and hidden behind the wall of the balcony and the sand dunes, he kissed me again, and I kissed back. We swore we would tell no one. And for the rest of that summer, whenever we were alone, we would secretly make out. After I left, we didn't talk all during the school year. But the next summer when we were 15, he became my first real boyfriend. We did lot's of cute and innocnet things, like share ice cream cones, and kiss on the jetty. But, it was really more of a summer fling, because as soon as school started again, and I had to go home, we ended it. I still see almost every summer. We've been threw a lot since we were 15. As of now, I think we can say that we are really good friends.
  • Conner, 16. Until junior year, Richie was the only boy I have ever kissed in high school, but that was only during those two summers. Conner was a boy I occasionally saw in the cafeteria and talked to in the hallways before homeroom. He was a bit of a stoner, and he played drums in the school marching band. I went to the Winterball of a group of friends, but I saw Conner there, and we started talking. We danced to about four songs together. One being "Come on get higher". After the dance my friends mom came to pick us up. Conner walked me out the back way, and kissed me behind the stairs of the auditorium. I told him I had a lot of fun tonight, and we should probably just be friends. He said "sure" and asked for my number. I gave it to him because I didn't know what else to do. He said we should hang out, and I said "Of course". We never did. A month later he started dating one of the most annoying girls in school.
  • Eric, 17. I was an indian at a halloween party, he was a giant banana. I had gotten drunk with a small group of my friends a few times before, but this was my first time drinking at a big party. And I was a small girl, so the two vodka with cranberry juices I had just drank was more than enough. At the time I was friends with the girl who was throwing the party, and she asked me to get something out of the closet. I stumbled in the closet only to find Eric. I've had a crush on him since the begining of the year. He sat behind me in English class and always made me laugh. He was tall with a buzz cut, and he had the pretties grey eyes. His banana suit was zipped halfway down to reveal a plain white t-shirt. He said something about looking for fireworks. I remember being just close enough sot that our arm hairs were touching. He looked down at me, and I looked up at him, and our faces were less than two inches apart. I was nervous, and moved away. We started talking about god knows what. Maybe our english project maybe fireworks, I don't remember. There was no light in the closet, I tripped over something, and landed into him, he held my arms steady. Then we were making out. After several minutes of this, Ashley, the girl who sent me to get something out of the closet showed up. Eric and I laughed, ran out, and we spent the rest of the night talking, until I had to leave with my friend. I felt super awkward and shy on Monday when I saw him in English class. But, he was easy breezy, being his regular self. He said we should get all our friends together and go the football game on friday. I looked foward to it all week. We sat next to eachother on the bleachers under a blanket, while my friends kept sneaking me looks. Eric and I ended up dating for several months. We broke up in Febuary. The newness and the funness wore off, and we realized we weren't meant to be together. But, he might have been one of the sweetest boy I have ever been with.
  • Todd, 17 My friend Macy and I were at a party over the summer, we only knew a few people, and one of those people was the lifeguard of the beach we always go to. Todd was a few years older, and I thought he was the hottest thing ever. We were pong partners, and kept flirting all night. We made out in a gazebo in the back yard. It was a bit awkward the next time I saw him at the beach. But, the next week he got moved to work a few beaches down, so it was easy to advoid him. I saw him last summer, and now we laugh about it.
  • Random, 18. I go to community college, but most weekends I visit friends who went away to college. This was my first frat party in a dirty basement. I was really drunk, and I was dacning with this boy, that I don't even know. We just ended up making out on the dance floor. When the song was over, I told him "I don't go to school here, sorry." and never saw him again.
  • Random, 18. Maybe his name was AJ? I was at a party over winter break, he went to a different high school, and went to a community college a few towns over. He was a nice guy, kind of dorky. We were sitting on a couch, and after we made out he kept awkwardly trying to make conversation.
  • Rory, 18. I met him over spring break, when I went to visit my friend who lives in south carolina. We were at a party the first time I met him, we flirted and played drinking games with everyone. I gave him my number and we made plans to hang out the next day. We hooked up all week, but we never saw eachother after I left. Sometimes he still randomly texts me, but I think he has me confused with a different Hailey. oh well.
  • RJ,18. Kissing game at party. He had a beard, I didn't like that.
  • Ryan,18. It was one of those parties over the summer, with everyone from high school reuniting. And I really didn't want to go because I was not friends with any of those people anymore. Ryan was a total douchbag in high school and really full of himself. But, I was really drunk. And at the time most of my friends all had boyfriends, so they were all hooking up with them, and I had no one to hang out with. I was talking to Ryan for a little bit, and then we ended up making out, and we fell asleep together. The next morning I woke up early and left before I had to see him.
  • Jake, 19 He was a friend of a friend, and we were at a party, and everyone was really drunk, and someone dared us to kiss. It was a nice kiss, and he was cute. He called me the girl with the wild yellow hair. I liked that. We see each other around campus sometimes and, if he's close enough he'll kind of playfully grab a strand of my hair. Which is kind of weird, actually. But,nice. I guess.
  • Dave,19 We would have graduated high school together, but he got held back, because he didn't give a shit about school. I have never talked to him before. But, one night over thanksgiving break we were at a bonfire party, and we just started talking. He wasn't who I expected him to be, and even though we were both a little drunk, I feel like we learned a lot about eachother. Even though I believe he is a geniunley nice kid, he's the kind of guy my parents would hate at first glance. He had some tattoos, he spent all his time skateboarding, he had a bad family life, and he's been living on his own since he was 16. Despite all this, he had a super postive outlook on life. And he was cute, with curly brown hair, and big brown eyes, and despite the gauges in his ears, he had a baby face. We ended up going for a walk in the woods, right outside where the bonfire was taking place. We walked and talked for a long time , until we came to a big open field. The sky was huge, the moon was beautiful. The weather was freezing, but we sat in the middle of the fields, anyway and just stared at the moon. Then he looked over at me and stared at me straight in the eyes, a said "do you trust me?" I nodded. And he kissed me lightly on the lips. We laid down in the fields for a little bit, and said nothing. We got up after a while, and held hands back to the bon fire. I knew people would assume we hooked up, but I didn't care. I gave him my number and we texted for a few days. I see him sometimes at college. And we're just good friends, and I'm happy for that.
  • Andrew, 19 We went to high school together, but we never really knew eacother. This year we started hanging out with a mutual friend, and got to know eachother. He's a really smart kid, and we were at the same new years eve party. We both weren't seeing anyone, so I asked him if he wanted to be my new years kiss, and he said yes. It was fun and silly, and we both laughed about it, and were really drunk and happy. I probably won't ever see him again, because he just moved out to California.
  • Mark, 19
  • Jay, 19
jan 5 2013 ∞
jul 29 2013 +