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"Her life improved dramatically when she decided to break the rules, and see beauty where she'd be told there was none."

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  • i cannot ever make a decision about anything. ever. it's really bad.
  • when i'm feeling depressed i completely shut everyone out. i ignore phone calls and sit in my room and feel sorry for myself.
  • when i'm angry i don't talk, and when people ask me questions i give them bitchy one word answers.
  • i'm not able to pay attention to things. if i'm not interested, i'm not going to listen. which means i suck in school. and i suck at following directions, because chances are when you were telling me what to do, i probably wasn't listening.
  • i'm really bad at making new friends. i've had the same group of friends since 2nd grade, so that friend making ablilty kind of stop working in me a long time ago.
  • procrasination. i will put things off for as long as possible.
  • my inablity to stand the cold. if it's below 65 degrees chances are i'm wearing two pairs of socks.
  • my clumsiness. i swear i fall or trip over something or nothing at least twice a day.
oct 5 2011 ∞
jan 1 2013 +