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"Her life improved dramatically when she decided to break the rules, and see beauty where she'd be told there was none."

listography NEW NEWS
  • "by antisocial do you mean, stay home all night and play with your puppy?"
  • "the hot chocolate machine was broken, so i got everyone lunchables"
  • aching to go to school in carolina, but knowing i cant afford it
  • attempting to clean m's room
  • b-town island & rope swings
  • being denied from every bar in nyc
  • bon fires
  • books books books
  • cabin parties
  • canoeing to the rope swing
  • car overheating driving to lbi
  • chalk board paint
  • computer crashing in may, and never getting it fixed
  • constantly rearranging my bedroom furniture
  • cowtown
  • d giving me crap for not working at work, even though she slacks too!
  • dave concerts
  • dealing with my little brother and his punk ass friends
  • dinner on the patio with the girls
  • discussing longboards with j
  • ditch 'em at denny's
  • do i look like the captain?
  • dots and squiggles
  • dragging the raft out in the ocean
  • drive way smoke breaks
  • driving grandmas car
  • drunk wendys trips
  • farm fair
  • finally getting a pong table
  • fireball
  • freakishly cold and rainy weather in july and august, do we live in the northwest, i think not
  • getting the puppy!!
  • half priced apps
  • hanging out with m p and her brother and his old friends from the neighborhood, just like back in the days of middle school
  • happy yooooogah
  • hating people from high school, but still attending their parties
  • hating the cupcakery
  • hating the kid who ran over my longboard, and his annoying personality. and also your almost 24, why are you hanging out with us? we're only using you for alcohol, duh.
  • having a crush on j
  • high wasted shorts
  • hookah nights
  • hooking up with the blonde boy, and making things super awkward for everyone
  • hooking up with the boy in the band
  • huhhh, reallly, d?
  • iced coffee obsession
  • j waking me up to see to the guy on the couch who took his pants and underwear off while he was sleeping
  • jeopardy nights with br's family
  • late night hang outs on the back porch, with the best views of the farm <3
  • lbi
  • lets toast to...
  • lighting shows driving home from lbi
  • limeritas!
  • listening to my parents tell me i need to get my life in order and start making better decisions, and knowing i should care, and sorta caring, but also feeling like no one understands, and figuring its summer so i'm not giving a fuck for a least another month, because theres really nothing i can do until i graduate in december
  • listening to new music
  • listening to others people drama but, honestly not giving a fuck
  • losing my car keys, and having to sleeping at bm's house
  • making new friends
  • mastering french braids
  • miranda lambert obsession
  • money issues, aka having none. bills suck. being a grown up sucks. all though, after reading back this list, i wouldn't really consider myself a grownup.
  • movie nights with e & br
  • my favorite spot out on the back porch
  • nyc with the girls for m's birthday
  • on-line summer classes :(
  • p's crazy mom
  • panera bread
  • panera dates with girls from work
  • phillies game, 5th row
  • philly art museum
  • piecing together various drunken nights
  • planning roadtrips, but never knowing if they'll actually happen
  • playing paddle ball on the beach with my sisters
  • pll date nights
  • poolside with the cousins
  • pulling in my driveway with all of the guys who have their dirtbikes in the back of there trucks, and i open the garage door to find my dad standing there like wtf
  • riding in the back of pick up trucks
  • rip to the best dog ever :(
  • roof tops
  • running from the cops at sketchy abandon warehouses
  • secret lake spots
  • seeing brits apartment, and actually considering i might enjoy living in the city for a year or two
  • seeing my little brothers friends at parties...your in a sophomore in high school, why are you at a party with all college kids?
  • smithville park trips
  • so much online shopping
  • sparklers & fireworks
  • starting up running again
  • staying up all night with j,j, & g, talking in the kitchen, walking around the farm and fields, climbing on the roof to watch the sun rise
  • taking pictures
  • tan body, sunburnt face
  • telling secrets in the gazebo
  • thanking god i made good friends in high school, and still consider them my closest friends, after seeing how other group of friends are fading out
  • that time i broke my shoe and walked around barefoot and my toe starting gushing blood, but i didn't even care. i guess i was pretty drunk
  • the solitude of running late at night, alone
  • the waves sucking this summer, more then usual
  • those 3 days i worked at red robin
  • trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. travel or transfer to a 4 year?
  • what a wild minx
  • wild peacocks
  • wine is a food group
jul 29 2013 ∞
aug 28 2013 +