• technically it's 11/10 right now but i just got up and i totally forgot to write something for yesterday so i'll just get that out of the way now
  • i don't really know? i went shopping and stuff with my dad to get some soft foods for me, on account of my wisdom teeth
  • also talked with flour and replayed the first trial of trigger happy havoc B) my mouth was still a little messed up so it was hard to talk completely normal but i tried
  • otherwise i just kinda. sat there.
  • OH YEAH there was a new mp100 episode also. and damn was it an episode. just in case someone who doesn't know what happens in s3 reads this i won't say anything more...
  • yeah other than that i pretty much just sat around
  • flour's had to do prep for a hurricane and last i heard he lost power so hopefully things are okay over there! hi flour if you ever read this ily and seriously fuck all these hurricanes. i know it is florida man business but still >:(
  • also i ended up staying up till a late ass time and one good thing did happen from that, i got to talk a bit with jean! i'm not gonna elaborate all the details of that here but yknow, i really want to set aside some time to let him know how cool he is to me
  • that's it for now, once i make it through more of the day i'll write my entry for 11/10
nov 10 2022 ∞
nov 10 2022 +