• snoring
  • repetitive noises
  • slow walkers taking up the entire pathway
  • techno music outside my abode
  • people being loud
  • people leaving the TV on when they aren't watching it
  • people poorly loading the dishwasher
  • people not updating me on our plans together
  • people not paying attention to where they are walking in a crowded place
  • people talking over each other in conversation
  • people asking "how are you?" just to be polite and without actually wanting the answer
  • people
  • being interrupted when speaking
  • dust
  • birds (esp. seagulls, and except crows and ducks)
  • cats when they walk on furniture and knock stuff over
  • my personal living space being intruded (please go away)
  • my curvy hips
  • my 'feminine' chest
may 16 2024 ∞
sep 3 2024 +