If I were in a queer-platonic relationship, would I want the following things?

  • Kissing (forehead, cheek, etc): No.
  • Kissing (mouth): No.
  • Hand holding: No.
  • Cuddling: Yes, if I'm feeling okay with it (I have confidence issues; self-conscious of my body). Let's just keep the clothes on.
  • Hugging: Yes
  • Other affectionate touching: A little bit, depends what it is.
  • Hugging in public: i guess?
  • Cuddling in public: when and where would this happen..???
  • Kissing (forehead, cheek, etc) in public: No.
  • Kissing (mouth) in public: No.
  • Hand holding in public: No.
  • Other affectionate touch in public: Nah..
  • Eye gazing: No...
  • Crying on: I mean.. if I really need it then yeah?
  • Being cried on: See above.
  • Massage (giving): No.
  • Massage (receiving): No.
  • Hair brushing (giving): NOPE. (do not like hair)
  • Hair brushing (receiving): No.
  • Nail painting (giving): No.
  • Nail painting (receiving): No..?
  • Shaving (giving): NOPE.
  • Shaving (receiving): NOPE.
  • Bathing together (with bathing suits): NOPE.
  • Bathing together (naked): NOOOOPPPPEEE. 🤮
  • Seeing my partner naked: Please no.
  • My partner seeing me naked: NOOOOPPPPEEE.
  • Feeding my partner: No.
  • Being fed by my partner: No.
  • Tickling (being tickled): No.
  • Tickling (doing the tickling): No.
  • Terms of endearment: Yeah
  • Being called “best friend”: Yes please 🥲
  • Being called “partner”: Maybe but probably not. Only in a cowboy way. Howdy.
  • Being called romantically-coded words (boyfriend, girlfriend, etc): Probably not.
  • Me having other platonic partners: unlikely that i would anyway, but typically no. I would only want that one special person. See more below.
  • My partner having other platonic partners: Makes me sound like a bitch, but no, sorry. To clarify, I have no problem with them having other friends (I would be crazy and controlling if I had a problem with that), but having specifically another queer-platonic partner, which I see as different from a regular friend, then no. I would rather keep this more intimate relationship just between the two of us.
  • Me having other romantic partners: I'm aro; N/A
  • My partner having other romantic partners: I would rather they didn't, sorry.
  • My partner doing romantic-coded things with someone else: No, sorry.
  • Me doing romantic-coded things with someone else: Again, aro. So no.
  • My partner doing sexual things with someone else: No, sorry. (I am sex-averse; it would make me feel uncomfortable).
  • Me doing sexual things with someone else: No.
  • Touching my partner sexually: No.
  • Being touched by my partner sexually: No.
  • Having sex of any kind with my partner [specify if yes]: No.
  • Sexual kink with my partner [specify if yes]: No.
  • Non-sexual kink with my partner [specify if yes]: No.
  • “Romantically coded” gifts (flowers, chocolates, etc): No.
  • Dancing: I don't dance.
  • Bed sharing (non-affectionate): Hmm...
  • Bed sharing (cuddling): ...on top of the covers might be okay (Like when watching a movie together). Again, clothes on, please.
  • Tucking my partner in: No...
  • Being tucked in: No...
  • Living together: 99% chance of no; mega-introvert and have really low tolerance for other people in my space. A 'together but seperate' situation might work. Like one apartment/house with seperate areas, but still the same building. Them living on one floor, me on another (for example). Communal living, i guess? Seperate bathrooms, bedrooms, and even kitchen but a joined lounge area.
  • (Platonic) marriage: I never thought about it, but not opposed to it.
  • Raising children together: No children ever please.
  • Having pets together: Maybe, could be fun.
may 27 2024 ∞
may 27 2024 +