• sitting by a window watching the raindrops fall and reading the book du jour
  • finding words in the dictionary
  • taking the paint off of my toenails
  • eating samosas
  • paying attention during physics class
  • stomping on a piece of technology
  • running barefoot in the grass
  • sitting in a room full of candles and just inhaling and exhaling
  • writing a paper
  • father daughter square dancing
  • mourning by my mother's side
  • going to see that moonbow that katie promised us
  • smiling at an attractive whole foods attendant
  • playing scrabble
  • having sweat pile up on the ridge of my lip
  • lying to myself
  • sketching stick figures on my arm
  • chewing gum that is purportedly supposed to whiten your teeth
  • driving on an isolated wisconsin highway by myself, blaring bob dylan
  • squeezing my eyes shut at 11:11, and wishing my hair was longer
  • cat-cowing in yoga
  • putting on fake eyelashes and growling about societal injustices
  • listening to people warm up their vocal cords
  • reliving childhood in a blanket fort
  • dressing up as my dusty american girl doll
  • going to a roller derby bout
  • wallowing in my own sticky self pity
  • grinning and bearing it
  • shopping at vintage toy stores
  • rolling my eyes at my mother when i'm 12 years old and thinking i'm the best thing since sliced bread or the invention of the wheel
  • glazing out on the computer and hating technology and the cancerous shit it's probably infiltrating into my body
  • teaching english in china
  • reading cute/pretentious books about young liberal arts college grads teaching english in china
  • pining away for a boyfriend
  • hating myself for engaging in aforementioned pining
  • attempting to replicate the self-harmonization of the tibetan monks
  • actually appreciating what's in front of me
dec 5 2011 ∞
dec 5 2011 +