- currently reading
- fellow travelers - thomas mallon
- thunderhead - neal shusterman
- the night and its moon - piper cj
- before we disappear - shaun david hutchinson
- men of the cross - charlene newcomb
- finished books
- scythe - neal shusterman
- the song of achilles - madeline miller
- autoboyaugraphy - christina lauren
- the temperature of me and you - brian zepka
- they both die at the end - adam silvera
- to be read
- gleanings - neal shusterman
- the toll - neal shusterman
- the night ship - jess kidd
- if we were villains - m.l. rio
- a clockwork orange - anthony burgess
- 1984 - george orwell
- a good girls guide to murder - holly jackson
- before we disappear - shaun david hutchinson
jul 21 2024 ∞
feb 8 2025 +