- People who act ignorantly
- Country music
- Lying about stupid things
- Lying about important things
- People that can't formulate their own opinions about things
- Parents who don't give reasons for telling you not to do something
- Fucked up drive-thru orders
- Shitty Taunton bands
- People who go places they shouldnt be
- Kids who try and act cooler/tougher/smarter than they are
- High school and all the bullshit related to it
- Skeleton Key (worst movie ever)
- Brand New tickets selling out in 30 seconds
- ACL tears
- Swine Flue
- Shitty teachers who instead of teaching gossip with kids about who's having sex with each other
- Sales tax going up by 1% what the fucks up with that
jul 6 2009 ∞
aug 15 2009 +