• Reincarnation is the belief that your soul has lived on this earth before in a different body and possibly a different name. Information can be found on these people because they come from our universe, only at a different time. This is different from factkin because these people are no longer alive and were not alive at the same time as me. Their souls are just now apart of me.
  • William "Billy," Philip King (1820- 1836). Billy was the youngest defender of the Alamo during the Texas Revolution. He was only 15 when he rode in with the Immortal 32 from Gonzales in place of his father. He died March 6th with nearly all of the rest of the Alamo defenders. I haven't met anyone from the Alamo yet, but I believe Galba Fuqua is my gaurdian Angel. I often dream of him trying to reach me and I feel his presence at times and I know my boyfriend has too.

(Top image: Billy in "The Alamo," Movie 2004 Bottom Image: The Alamo,)

  • Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) Arthur was a French Poet who at the age of 16 began taking lessons from 26 year old Paul Verlaine. He then seduced the man away from his life and the two were involved in 2 years of drinking, sex and constant anger. The affair ended with Paul's wife divorcing him and taking his child as well as Arthur being shot in the hand by Paul. Paul later was jailed for Sodomy and shooting the young boy. The two met up a few times after he was released from jail, but by then Arthur had quit writing and died at an early age from a tumor in his knee. Arthur traveled Europe and Africa and wrote many poems that inspired many artists to this day, his most famous being a season in hell. I have actually met the reincarnation of Paul and we are dating again in this life. I apologize if that makes anyone uncomfortable.

(Top image: Arthur Rimbaud Toral eclipse 1995, Bottom Image: Arthur Rimbaud in the 1870s)

  • Herbert Thomas Gordon Vine- (1894-1912). Herbert was with the restaurant staff on the Titanic and the Olympic before that. His parents divorced as he got older and his father remarried and had another son (also naming that son Herbert) and was never heard from again. I don't have many memories from this life but I have some. Not much is known on his life from biographies and books.
  • Scott Smith - (October 21, 1948 - February 4, 1995) Scott Smith was City supervisor Harvey Milk's Boyfriend during his first few Campaigns. He was his campaign manager from 1974- 1977. He also Orchestrated the Coors beer Boycott. He opened the Catsro Camera with Harvey Milk and then helped him manage his office space. He was Harvey Milk's favorite model and there are hundreds of pictures of him taken by Harvey. Scott fell into a depression after Harvey was killed, but tried his best to keep his legacy alive. He died of Pneumonia at age 46 possibly due to HIV/ AIDS.

(Top image: Scott Smith in Milk 2008, Bottom image Scott Smith photographed by Harvey in their apartment)

apr 1 2017 ∞
may 22 2017 +