- ✔ get my thesis started
- ✔ rejuvenate my Nunchaku practice
- rejuvenate my staff practice
- ✔ buy snowboard clothing equipment
- ✔ create cards for the board game
- ✔ try out the board game with friends
- create new system for the board game
- ✔ rearrange my music - Apocalyptica discography
- rearrange my music - Snoop Dog discography
- rearrange my music - Bear Mcreary BSG ost discography
- ✔ rearrange my music - Nightwish discography
- download music - get all DJ premier Mixtapes and sort them out /I doubt it will happen this month.../
- ✔ snowboarding
feb 2 2012 ∞
mar 3 2012 +