• Make a 30-day De-clutter calendar. De-clutter, organize and deal with only those items (throw away, donate). Example: Day 1-Desk, Day 2-Dresser, Day 3-Books, Day 4-Papers, Day 5-winter clothes, Day 6-Makeup (Great start) During the 30 days, accumulate as little as possible. The idea is to purge.
  • Use the daily quick cleaning checklist from the Real Simple website.
  • Do a wardrobe challenge from Squidoo.
  • Keep a one sentence journal.
  • Make a recipe from Basic Cooking or Basic Baking.
  • Cardio Workout 20-30 min.
  • Read 15 min.
  • Stand on a chair for 5 min (for discipline).
  • Say something positive about myself out loud every morning.
  • Practice healthy sleeping habits.
  • Take 10,000 steps.
  • Eliminate or drastically limit all my time-wasters (facebook, surfing internet, TV, movies, naps, etc..) and see what happens.
  • Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of classical music you hear playing in your favorite clothing boutique as you shop. If it’s time for bed and you can’t identify anything you’ve learned that day, take out your dictionary and learn a new word.
  • Live by the mantra: a place for everything and everything in its place. For the next 30 days follow these four rules to keep your house in order:
      • If you take it out, put it back.
      • If you open it, close it.
      • If you throw it down, pick it up.
      • If you take it off, hang it up.
  • Make a list of 30 small things that you enjoy doing and/or favorite things that make you happy, and make sure that you do at least one of these things or incorporate this thing into your life every day for the next 30 days.
  • Work to stop complaining. Get a complaint bracelet and keep it from moving to the opposite wrist by not complaining at all.
  • Use lists and calendars (ONE place for lists: for groceries, budgets, to-do items, and ONE place for calendar items: appointments, work, birthdays, etc...)
  • Connect with someone new.
  • Call someone I care about.
  • Make or create something.
  • Cut out all the foods I shouldn't be eating and see how I feel.
  • Exercise my brain (crossword or brain games)
  • Make good decisions and track them.
  • Every day-do what I don't want to do the most, first.
  • Catch yourself every single time you tell yourself that you can’t have, won’t get or aren’t good enough to get what you want--anything negative--and say the opposite out loud.
  • Be on time.
  • Learn and use a new word.
  • Floss
  • Keep up on current events.
  • Spend time with Jesus for a half hour to an hour every morning.
  • Develop good morning and nightly routines.
jun 8 2011 ∞
jul 1 2011 +