• lots of recent-ish pop throughout this period, best exemplified by Dangerous Woman but lots of other Ariana Grande, Charli XCX, Katy Perry, etc.
  • Halloween music, esp. Monster Mash album which I did not realize existed, I guess, or had forgotten
  • I went through a very brief Bryan Adams phase...
  • in the winter, early spring,
    • Ah-Mer-Ah-Su
    • a lot of Janelle Monae for a while
    • lots of pop, as per above
  • In February I was apparently obsessed with Sunglasses at Night, and had a rotation of dark-ish 80s tracks going for a while (e.g. Private Eye, I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching me)
  • starting in the spring and going through the rest of the year
    • lots of Com Truise because of the new album
    • lots of Dam Funk because of the new EP
    • and largely unrelated, but not entirely, I ended up listening to a lot of retro synthwave and other music consciously imitating 80s/90s and (for lack of a better term) “80s/90s-futuristic” styles, starting with 1982 and ending up listening to a lot of stuff by The Midnight, Code Elektro, Stilz, Android Automatic, Kalax, Gunship, etc. - and also some pop-ier stuff like Dana Jean Phoenix
    • related to that I ended up listening a lot more to throwback synth artists I had listened to a lot a few years ago like Oneohtrix Point Never, M83, Classixx (totally opposite ends of the spectrum there I know!)
  • also starting in the spring, started revisiting some pop I had skipped previously, like Rita Ora’s Phoenix, Ellie Goulding’s newer stuff, MIA (who I eventually found annoying and stopped listening to), and eventually some (actually a lot) of Camila Cabello up until she got outed for racist comments, at which point, yeah, no. A lot of this I didn’t stick with very long.

Updated Through March

feb 26 2020 ∞
feb 26 2020 +