So I've been, we've been, trying to find a good way to explain or describe this. Some people use the metaphor of a hydra, a beast with many heads, all functioning separately but attached to the same body, controlled somewhat by it. Has a good definition and some diagrams on what its like, obviously not everyone has the same experiences but this is a good place to start.

We're also not sure if Wataru is the original or not. There is the potential that Ben has been here the longest as we've seen signs of him incredibly far back into the body's past. There was a huge personality shift around 2012-2013 which can't really be explained by any of the shit I deal with so it might have started then?? I'm not sure. At any rate as far as I can remember since around then my mind has been very split up, but I honestly didn't really think much of it, I thought it was normal. I didn't give it much thought until Rafiel took over last year, and then Dahlia the next morning. I know they've been here longer because by recognising current patterns I can go back and find them in the past.

So the best way to describe everyone is to call them facets. I am usually in pretty much full control although the others do speak to me, sometimes we cofront, and sometimes they take over 85-90% of front, no one can really take 100%, I can get about 98-99%.

We are not traumagenic, if this is something that confuses or upsets you feel free to ask. I'm not here to speak over anyone this is just our personal experience. Thank you.

apr 15 2017 ∞
apr 15 2017 +