
  • 觸摸 |nc-17 (warning for self-harm, mentions of suicide)| ♥
    • reading this definitely changed my thoughts about certain stuff, and till today, i'm not sure if i want to re-read it or not
  • 水醉芳華 /side laybaek, one-sided seho/|nc-17|
    • i really enjoyed the action scenes, and its a pity that the author decided not to write the sequel, but it doesn't make the read any less enjoyable



  • 賴皮
    • one of the most iconic krishan cfics. honestly, it took me three tries before i managed to finish the entire fic, but the author's writing is good despite the cliche storyline. and, the epilogue is just too heartbreaking


multiple pairings

  • 敵意 /kaihan, chanhun, taoris, laybaek/|nc-17|
    • when mentioning exo chinese fics, how can i miss out one of the classics? the start is way too intense for my liking, but the rest of the story totally makes up for it
  • 荒蕪之地 /chanhun, laybaek, taoris,kaihan/|nc-17|
    • i used to hate how the author will answer any questions regarding the story whenever the reader asks, but her plot is so elaborate that even after she answered, i still didn't manage to guess the next thing that will happen. there are some parts that are slightly unrealistic, but i love how eventually, this is a story about love
may 13 2015 ∞
may 16 2015 +