- it's action-adventure
- nate is a hottie
- elena is a hottie
- everyone is a hottie
- even sully
- cigars
- man eating bugs
- u explore shit
- u find treasure
- guns
- shooting
- corpses
- u kill people
- parkour
- u climb shit
- u jump
- u shimmy across cliff faces
- !!!
- you get in car chases
- and foot chases
- and u are often in the jungle
- there are ppuzzles sometimes
- but they're fun ppuzzles not that FFXIII-2 shit
- sully and nate's relationship is fantastic
- elena is a bad ass
- chloe is also
- they're fierce
- fierce female action in this game!!!!!!!!
- kind of a love triangle but nothing like twilight
- elena still wins lol move over
- elena is my spirit animal
- i love her a lot
- she is so great
- the game has good graphics
- it has good settings and stuff u go in the jungle i already said that lol
- its fun!!!
- its rly suspenseful
- theres a lot of scary shit like u gotta run from shit or jump out of the way of stuff in time
- indiana jones moments
- troubles of a treasure hunter ugh
- it makes u sad
- it makes u angry
- it makes u happy
- otp feels ugh
- nolan north voices nathan i mean cmon
- naughty dog made the game so automatically its gr8
- get it and play it
- good game
feb 18 2013 ∞
feb 18 2013 +