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You can call me Vigi or Nexus, either one works! I hope you like my interests, they might seem boring to most lol!

  • I am a misanthropist but that doesn't make me mean! That is a silly little stereotype that I am sure a lot of people say about them. Some of them are actually nice once you get to know them but they most likely won't talk for long. But if you do want to talk to me, feel free to do so! I don't bite. :>
  • I am an atheist but feel free to talk about your religions with me! I love learning about them!
  • Please! If I say something out of the ordinary that made you feel uneasy about me, do not say "You're not normal" or "You're not right in the head" yes, I know I am not normal and I do not wish to be reminded for it does upset me a little. Just change the subject and I will understand.
  • I am a punk! Fellow alternatives, talk to me! I need more alternative friends! ^-^
  • I am only 16, about to be 17 in January.
  • Schizophrenia gave me aggression problems, if I ever get aggressive towards you, please, do not argue with me, that'll just add more fuel to the fire and make me more aggressive. I do get aggressive at random times of the day and I apologize, if this happens, just ignore me for a while and come back to me!
  • I have a major obsession with Rainbow Six Siege and Black Ops Zombies at the moment... sorry if I talk about it way too much! Feel free to tell me to stop and I will! :>
  • I really love horror, thriller and slasher movies a lot! There will be times where I will out of nowhere talk about Michael Myers or Ghostface, it is a habit of mine!
  • I am never offended that much unless you're judging my mental disorder so if you feel like you offended me, it is okay! Just remind yourself: "Vigi/Nexus doesn't really get offended, it is okay to say my opinions on something!"
  • I am always willing to help those who need to vent or rant about something! Whether it is school stressing you out, relationship problems or something simple like you might be having a hard time with a teacher or a student at school. I am here to help and give my opinions and maybe a small advice!
  • I do roleplays! Any type of roleplay is fine with me! Canon x OC, OC x OC, Genderbends are fine too! (I am guilty of doing a Bandit x genderbent Kapkan, Smoke x genderbent Vigil, Fuze x genderbent Lion stories with someone, oops-)
  • I used to love FNAF when I was younger so if you're a big FNAF fan, feel free to approach me. I really love Nightmare so watch out if I talk about him a lot! ^^'

This is probably my weirdest list on here... I have more to add but I will update this if I feel like saying more!

nov 28 2020 ∞
dec 13 2020 +