• The Human Condition Trilogy: Long, black and white, in Japanese. The first one was the most tolerable, but the second two are basically army films, and I just can't stand watching things about the army.
  • Rashomon: Also black and white, in Japanese. This seems to be a bad combination for me. It was ok, maybe if I hadn't known the story already it would have been more compelling. Mostly I found the characters' shock to be unconvincing.
  • Jane Eyre (2011): I really liked this movie. The costumes were great, Mia W. played Jane basically perfectly, Rochester was almost as ugly as he is supposed to be, and I was happy that they included the St. Johns. I didn't like how they ended it though- it just seemed too abrupt. The 1940's version still has a lot going for it.
  • Unknown: First of all, my husband described this movie to me as "This guy loses his wife, and he keeps calling 'Liz! Liz!" which led me to believe it was some terrible romance film that I didn't want to see. It is actually about spies, and is really good. If you like Memento, it is a bit similar to that, but actually makes sense by the end.
  • Sweeney Todd: I liked the sets, costumes, and most of the music. The lyrics are fairly uninspired, and if I see one more person quoting the "the world is a great black pit" part, I may have to end them. The ending annoyed me because it sort of leaves you hanging, even though you can guess. I just want to know how this musical ever got produced in the first place. I enjoyed the film overall, however.
nov 8 2011 ∞
nov 8 2011 +