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At least try to read the whole thing fuckers because I'm not letting you follow until you find the question you have to answer to follow me (I put emojis with it so it's easier)


I have a rather serious mental illness that causes me to make impulsive decisions and be insensitive. I've lost many friends because I tend to get angry very quickly and say something I regret. Please try to be understanding with me, and gently let me know if I am being rude.

The main Diagnosis I have is Psychotic Bipolar and Severe Arachnophobia

Other diagnoses are general and social anxiety disorders, panic disorder, mild Dermatillomania, all of which are caused because of my bipolar

If you don't want to read through all this, look up Psychotic BPAD and schizoaffective disorder. (I have lots of symptoms of Schizoaffective and am going to discuss it with my psychiatrist soon, but I am currently diagnosed with BPAD and have Schizoaffective tendancies)

Some of my main symptoms are:

  • Mood swings (my two most often bad moods are feeling Apathetic and Anxious)
  • I lose of interest or pleasure in activities that I once enjoyed very often
  • My thinking patterns are very odd, so I will often not finish a story or explaination of something without getting distracted and talking about something new. (I don't struggle with this over text often) This makes it very difficult for me to socialize and makes me feel self-conscious.
  • Perhaps one of the worst effects I have is I get very aggressive and tend to forget that others have feelings. When I do that I sometimes will be very rude and go against some of my usual morals.
  • I tend to flirt a lot. Sometimes it's intentional and sometimes it isn't. Very often I come on too strong and if I'm having a bad episode I can make people very uncomfortable. Please please pLEASE tell me if I am making you feel that way. I haven't had this issue in many many months but it happened a few years ago and I regret not realizing how much I was bothering people.
  • I'm very hyperactive and energetic, and it gets worse when I hang out with people because I'm nervous. I also makes reckless decisions often.
  • I get unwanted thoughts a lot, something to the point of delusion, or even to where I hallucinate. This can cause more impulsive behavior me and even make me feel like I have to self-harm or like I should commit suicide to make the thoughts go away.
  • I can't concentrate for shit, and I have racing thoughts often.
  • I can go from depressed to elated to paranoid to nearly anything else in a short amount or time, so sometimes I may change how I act or speak in the middle or a conversation. This is normal for me.

>>‼️‼️‼️ Dm me a picture of a Kitten, 3 facts about yourself, and 3 facts from my listography to be accepted‼️‼️‼️

aug 5 2017 ∞
mar 3 2018 +