• i don't like constant drama (especially when its done in a series of quoting each other's tweets, it gets annoying)
  • i'd also like you to not be constantly negative
  • i dislike any type of "witch-hunts" or anything of that nature
  • i need irl blood/gore, graphic descriptions of blood, or needles specifically going in to flesh, to be tagged. it's not a huge deal if you dont tag, but i have a tendency to pass out when i see those things (if i look at them for longer then 5 seconds) so just keep that in the back of your mind.
  • i don't really tag many things on twitter, sorry...it's hard for me to remember what everyone needs tagged but if you really need it than talk to me.
  • occasionally nsfw
  • if i don't reply or message you very frequently, i don't hate you or anything, i'm really shy and bad at conversations honestly you can yell at me if i do that i'm trying to stop that habit
  • i think thats it
mar 28 2017 ∞
aug 25 2018 +