• "Will this decision help me reach my full potential?" (Dr. Jordan Peterson)
  • "Everything matters"

(Dr. Jordan Peterson)

  • If you want to be incandescent, then your actions must be incandescent.
  • Eudimonia
  • "Appreciating what is on hand isn't a slacker's solution. It isn't an attack on ambition. There's no point in chasing the future until and unless we are better at being more attuned to the modest moments and things that are presently already available to us."

(The School of Life)

  • "To attain great wisdom, a better human knows that you must live a long time. They remember that their body is not theirs; it is a gift from their ancestors. Therefore, they do not poison their roots with intoxicants. They eat to live, and do not live to eat. They keep their teeth and hands clean. Their bodies and minds are kept sharp with daily exercise and contemplation. A better human steadies their nerves by getting enough sleep, but not too much. When their family and friends need them, the better human is always at the ready."

(Better Humanology Podcast)

  • "It's important for me to access my full potential as soon as possible; the world may need me now"

(Jamie Wheal)

  • "Waking up sooner to do more faster"

(Jamie Wheal)

  • "IBM is going to put us out of a job. Only thing we can do is learn all we can and make ourselves valuable."

(Dorothy Vaughan)

  • "We replant the body in bed, temporarily returning it to its origins for nourishment"

(Rubin Naiman)

  • "The exchange of truth is curative"

(Dr. Jordan Peterson)

  • "What do you want to subordinate yourself to? How about your heroic willingness to encounter the unknown and articulate it, and share that with people? There's no nobler vision than that."

(Dr. Jordan Peterson)

  • "You have a vision of your own ideal, and you torment yourself if you're not matching it. What's the ideal?"

(Dr. Jordan Peterson)

  • "...the path of the hero glistens in front of you...you're more powerful than you think...God only knows what you are in the final analysis. You're blind to your own weaknesses, but you're also blind to your own strengths."

(Dr. Jordan Peterson)

  • "If you got your act together, it'd be better for you, and instantly, it'd be better for your family...and then it would be better for the community. How far could you take it? If you stopped wasting time and if you stopped lying and if you orientated yourself to the highest possible good that you could concieve of, and you committed to that, how much good could you do? Well, I would say, why don't you find out?"

(Dr. Jordan Peterson)

  • "However you act now better not compromise how you're gonna be in a year, because that would just be counterproductive."

(Dr. Jordan Peterson)

  • "I need my body to be like an instrument so I'm not limited to just one note, but a number of different dynamics."

(Theresa Farrell)

apr 8 2017 ∞
jul 15 2017 +