Some stuff I'm planning on redrawing digitally from this year's Inktober.

  • Day 1 - Shameimaru Aya
  • Day 8 - Seija Kijin w/ Black Lipstick
  • Day 9 - Kasodani Kyouko
  • Day 10 - Ibuki Suika + Hakurei Reimu
  • Day 12 - Soga no Tojiko
  • Day 13 - Kurodani Yamame
  • Day 15 - Yakumo Yukari
  • Day 16 - Utsuho Reiuji
  • Day 17 - Saigyouji Yuyuko
  • Day 18 - Yakumo Chen
  • Day 19 - Tsukumo Yatsuhashi + Tsukumo Benben
  • Day 20 - Komeiji Koishi + Komeiji Satori
  • Day 21 - Soga no Tojiko
  • Day 22 - Flandre Scarlet
  • Day 23 - Ringo
  • Day 25 - Mononobe no Futo/Soga no Tojiko
  • Day 26 - Nazrin
  • Day 29 - Mononobe no Futo/Toyosatomimi no...
oct 21 2017 ∞
nov 4 2017 +

I don't really like the ship to be quite frank, and I know a lot of others do. That, I'm fine with.

But I suppose if someone needs to know why:

The underlying reason people ship the two to begin with is that their historical counterparts were married. Although what's not expanded on is the fact that it was very likely a political arranged marriage. By the time Shoutoku Taishi was wedded to Tojiko no Iratsume, Soga no Umako has killed at least two of Shoutoku Taishi's relatives and likely Tojiko, herself was quite young. I somewhat dislike this missing context because it feels like it sanitizes history a bit and also is misleading about a practice that's still used to consolidate political and economic power.

(I will note these days more arranged marriages are done with the consent of the two being wedded so that's an upgrade at l...

apr 28 2020 ∞
jun 3 2020 +
  • 2月7日は神子さんの日 (Feb 7 is Miko's Day, both for the Shinto Priestess and Toyosatomimi no Miko)
  • 2月10日は布都の日 (Feb 10 is Futo's Day)
  • 3月8日宮野の日 (March 8 is Miyano's Day)
  • ホワイトデーは銀髪白髪を愛でる日 (March 14, White Day is to love Silver/White Hair Characters Day)
  • 4月1日は邂逅記念日 (Encounter Anniversary)
  • 4月1日新哀の日 (April 1 is ShinAi's Day)
  • 4月4日新志の日 (April 4 is ShinShi's Day)
  • 5月1日コ哀の日 (May 1 is CoAi's Day)
  • 工藤新一生誕 (May 4, Kudou Shinichi's Birthday)
  • 5月4日コ志の日 (May 4 is CoShi's Da...
aug 10 2020 ∞
aug 10 2020 +