• Tyra Banks. In anything. talk show, interviews, pictures, even her freaking "ty ty baby" logo at the end of her show. But it's also so stupid I have to watch sometimes...
  • Tequila
  • Obvious grammar and structure errors in books. One I read the other day was missing the end quotes and one had a mispelled word!! Isn't this someone's job to edit these things??
  • When people have the attitude that "If God really loved us, he wouldn't give us all these hardships/war/diseases, etc, etc therefore I am angry at Him/cannot believe in Him." People. It's called Earth, not Heaven. It's not supposed to be perfect, it's supposed to challenge us.
  • Chelsea Lately
  • Germ and Neat Freaks. Especially when they are only weird about certain places/objects concerning germs. "I can't do or touch this because of germs..." With the millions of germs and things floating around, we would cease to function as a society if we all acted like this. And they act so arrogant and superior to everything....not realizing the things they think are so clean, are not.
  • Lady Gaga. Her music is not genius and artsy just because she dresses crazy and not sexy like all other pop stars. It's catchy and fun but come on. Her lyrics? It's still flat-out pop that any number of people could sing and/or write. I don't think she's not talented at all, just overrated.
  • Twilight. Can't go into all the reasons I dislike it here.
  • Chuck Palahniuk
  • Kim Kardashian. $130,000 for a CAKE STAND??!! Pathetic. Also, all other Kardashians.
  • People thinking I'm snobby/weird/boring/stupid/fill-in-the-blank because I'm shy and quiet. I really feel like people have forgotten this characteristic exists in people sometimes. Everyone wants to be a star and the center of attention nowdays.
  • Weed. I just hate weed. People compare it to alcohol and I believe alcohol has ruined a lot of people, yes, but I have always disliked how people act when they smoke weed. And I've known a lot.
  • When straight people don't get married because gay people can't yet. I have no idea why this one bothers me, because I see the noble intentions behind it...but it really does. I wouldn't deny myself that I guess, you need to get married if you feel you should. And I think there are more effective to fight for gay rights if you want. I don't know. Maybe it seems like a cop-out.
  • Heidi and Spencer
  • People texting and talking on their phones ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE. Yes, I talk on the phone in public sometimes, but only if it can't wait and I keep short. Not when I am out with friends, sitting on the toilet in Target, in the movies...etc. I am such an old lady about stuff like this. It's really rude to me.
  • The word "hubby"
  • The word "preggers"
  • The word "kiddo" or "kiddos"
nov 28 2009 ∞
apr 22 2013 +