- A month, I would be March. It's mellow, though not without the bitter, chasing chill of winter still lingering around.
- A day of the week, I would be Tuesday. The day after the beginning; intermittency, feels fitting.
- A time of day, I would be 2:30 am. Coincidentally, I'm writing this at 2:35. Such peace, such solitude. Best time to do anything and feel everything.
- A planet, I would be Mercury. No real reason on this one, just vibes.
- A direction, I would be North. North-East? North-West?
- A sin, I would be envy. No explanation really needed.
- A liquid, I would be Oobleck.
- A coin, I would be a penny. Affectionately.
- A stone, I would be a dalmatian stone. Yes I did have to look up a chart for reference, and that one called to me.
- A number, I would be 11.
aug 11 2024 ∞
jan 11 2025 +