I'm neurodivergent, please be patient if it takes me a bit to get a joke.

  • >Use Tone Indicators with me, they're really helpful!
  • >I can seem a bit cold at times-I never mean it hurtfully
  • >I type weird most of the time-just lmk if ur confused! /gen
  • >I hyperfixate a lot-
  • >Don't feel bad/offended if I ignore your msgs for a bit! Chances are I'm vibing in a game and haven't seen it-or sleeping /lh

I'm a part of and support the LGBTQIA+ community!

  • >Don't talk to me if you make transphobic 'jokes', they're not funny. /srs
  • >I support any pronouns and names! Just please give me a ref thing (Ex-honk/honk/honks/honks/honkself) so I can use the tenses correctly! /gen
  • ^If you also have a specific name that goes with a pronouns-please lmk! /gen

I can be a bit slow to trust others

I really only follow people I'm familiar with, if I accidentally unfollowed you, please lmk! My memory isn't the greatest at times.

I don't feel comfortable stating my triggers publicly but feel free to ask!-I should respond if I'm comfortable enough. They can change a bit tho-depending how it's going

>List will change<

mar 30 2022 ∞
apr 1 2022 +