- Paper Mario 1-3
- Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga
- Earthbound/Mother 3
- Legend of Zelda - Windwaker/Twilight/BotW
- Kirby
- Animal Crossing
- Chibi-Robo
- Luigi's Mansion
- Pikmin 1-3
- Ghost Trick
- Banjo Kazooie
- Professor Layton
- Bravely Default
- Phoenix Wright
- Splatoon
- Klonoa
- Rayman
- Sonic
- Spyro
- Journey
- Okami
- Okage
- Psychonauts
- Katamari Damacy
- Metal Gear Solid
- Bioshock
- Sly Cooper 1-3
- Parappa the Rapper
- Final Fantasy X and XV
- The Last Of Us
- Catherine
- Persona 5
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Kingdom Hearts
- Resident Evil series
- Silent Hill
- Mr.Mosquito
- Danganronpa
- Grim Fandango
- Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
- Portal 1 and 2
- Team Fortress 2
- Half Life 1 and 2
- Broken Age
- The Wolf Among Us
- Don’t Starve
- Overwatch
- Hollow Knight
- Inscryption
- Ib
- End Roll
- Dead Space
- Stardew Valley
- Guild Wars 2
- PlateUp!
- Fortnite
- Brutal Legend
- Cuphead
- Viscera Cleanup Detail
- Hypnospace Outlaw
- Little Nightmares
- Slime Rancher
- Stray
- Pizza Tower
jan 24 2023 ∞
feb 1 2025 +