- I can quote "The Parent Trap" like it's my job.
- I love staying up late. Sometimes it's worth being sleepy the next day.
- My brother is my best friend, and I miss him a lot now that we're not living under the same roof.
- I find grammar fascinating, but I am a terrible speller.
- I wish I had a sweet accent.
- I do not believe in soul mates or love a first sight.
- Chocolate is the band-aid; noodles-and-breadcrumbs is the cure.
- I love hugs.
- I want to live in close proximity to water.
- I want a family, a dog, and a house someday.
- I color coordinate my bra, underwear, and socks to match my outfit.
- My family used to call Dimetapp "great grape" when I was a kid. I always thought they were saying "grape grape." I learned the difference in high school.
- I don't like to tell people when I'm upset, stressed, or had my heart broken. I don't want to seem like I'm complaining.
- Heavy-breathers bother me. A lot.
- The temptation of getting in the car and just driving for a while is always in the back of my mind.
- My favorite piece of clothing is a blue zipper sweatshirt I've had since the 7th grade.
- I am a closet entertainment-news junkie. I usually pick the longest line at the grocery store so I can read People magazine while I wait.
- I can line dance.
- I periodically blow off friends to play computer solitaire. If I end up in the black, I can't close a game until I'm in the red. Yes, I realize that this is backwards.
- I love listening to people who are smarter than me.
- My parents are my role models, my biggest fans, and my strongest supporters.
- I want to see the world.
- I hate sappy movies. Action movies are so much more exciting.
- I like playing with fire.
- I wish I weren't so type-A.
aug 19 2010 ∞
aug 19 2010 +