• press pass

this has yet to be proven useful to me, but nonetheless, no press pass, no privileges.

  • small notepad / paper
  • pen / pencil at all times
  • clipboard

This is especially useful if you're interviewing outside the building. Hard surfaces are difficult to find outside.

  • (optional) digital recorder
  • (optional) tape recorder
    • microcassettes

I find both recorders extremely helpful compared to painstakingly writing everything word for word, unless you can write really, really fast. Also, using a recorder cuts the interview process time in half (no more awkward silences while you scribble down their long-winded sentences).

    • note - Never use a recorder without prior consent from the interviewee. Some people will be offended by your actions if you silently record their statements without prior consent.
  • (highly recommended) usb flash drive

always useful when working on a story in class and continuing later at home. saves the trouble of attaching it on an email or cluttering your digital locker on schoolloop (trust me, you should see mine).

  • (optional) personal camera

these are somewhat useful if you're not comfortable with using the (what i think) more complicated cameras provided.

    • note - if your camera is prone to pixelation, i do not recommend using it.
  • a buddy

because it's always nice to have someone be your fall-back person. and it just makes it more fun :)

mar 15 2010 ∞
jun 5 2010 +