• When you focus on getting things done, turn-off everything else. Put your phone in silent mode, disconnect internet, log-out of IM. While getting things done, your focus should only be on that action, and nothing else. Be present in everything you do. This is true whether you are working on a critical project, or playing with your kids.
  • Organize all your digital pictures and videos online. Most of you might be taking 100′s of pictures every month, and might not even go back and view it later. I recommend that you have two sets of pictures and videos. The first is a big set contains all the pictures and videos you take. The second is a small set that contains only the pictures and videos that you like the most. I usually do this every month. So, I have the pictures and videos organized by month in two sets.
  • Define a clear outcome for everything you do. Don’t do anything without having a clear idea on what you expect out of it. You need to know the outcome you expect even before you perform the task.
  • Stop watching TV! If that is not possible, at least plan to reduce your TV watching time. List out your favorites shows and record them to DVR, and watch them later, by skipping the commercials.
  • During the weekends, take time to plan for next week, review your calendar appointments, review your goal list, and create appropriate tasks for next week.
  • Ask yourself this question: “If I had only one year to live, how would I use the next 365 days?”. If you take time to give this a deep thought, you’ll absolutely be productive and do only the most important thing in your life every minute of your day.
  • Schedule an automatic backup of your system. Use windows backup software, or linux backup solutions accordingly.
  • If you want to be productive and organize your life, you should focus on identifying the time wasters in your life and eliminate it. This is an ongoing process for me, but I’ve got very good at this. Not watching TV was the biggest improvement I’ve made in my life. It just gave me so much free time that I can productively use on things that makes my life better. Some other typical time wasters that you should reduce or eliminate are: Internet surfing, chatting online with friends, social media websites, email, shopping, useless long water-cooler discussions, etc.
aug 18 2013 ∞
sep 4 2016 +