- Starting afresh
- Elon Musk
- Quality/old school-ish flower
- Raising my vibration
- Re-wiring da brain
- Doing better
- Being more fearless in a good way (not avoiding life anymore)
- Getting braver / understanding more
- Exploring everything in baby steps instead of not at all
- @stfumatthew / @bentleyblaze
- PsychedSubstance for educational purposes only
- Youtube in general
- Not giving as many fucks as usual
- Working towards better self esteem
- The Joe Rogan Experience
- Far fetched things and stuff
- Saving even more $$$ & thinking about the future
- Child like wonder
- Finding myself and learning about myself along the way
- Having faith in Humanity, people, things, tech, science, myself, the universe ... for the first time since childhood
feb 6 2021 ∞
jan 20 2023 +