• What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?

Ives or Ivers (Tiny Ivers if you're my uncle) I like when someone calls me by a nickname every once in a while because it normally means that we're close enough to do that but I also really like my name so I normally prefer that.

  • What books on your shelf are begging to be read?

I bought The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers last year and haven't finished that. I also bought The Outsiders and haven't even started it. Aside from those two, I probably have at least a dozen books that people have given me over the years that I haven't even touched (some because they look stupid and some because I am lazy and bad and don't read enough)

  • How often do you doodle? What do your doodles look like?

If I am in class, there is a 99% chance I will be doodling at some point. And they always look like shit. Sometimes I try to actually draw and sometimes I'll write words in different fonts, but most of the time it's random, dumb swirly things.

  • What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive?

This is embarrassing, but sometimes if I imagine that I am being held I can get to sleep (this also includes occasionally spooning a pillow). Most of the time, though, I try to focus on some sort of calming, white noise thing like the sound of the air conditioning/heater/fan--anything like that. Every once in a while I just give up and stare at my phone until I finally fall asleep.

  • How many days could you last in solitary confinement? How would you do it?

Oh god. There are definitely times I prefer to be alone, but that's my own choice. And I can still go wherever and do whatever I want. But to be forced to be alone all day with nothing to do? Not long. I would probably dance and sing to myself, or day dream for hours. Either way I'd look crazy and probably actually go crazy.

  • Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away?

SAVE. If you send me something, I will save it. Send wisely.

  • Who is the biggest pack rat you know?

I was going to say me. Then I was going to say Anna. Then I was going to say my dad. But it is 100% my grandma because DUH.

  • When making an entrance in to a party, do you make your presence known? Do you slip in and look for someone you know? Do you sneak in quietly and find a safe spot to roost?

If I'm showing up to a larger party alone, I will sit quietly until friends show up or try to talk to the few people I know. If I'm going with my friends I'll stick by them.

  • What is your strongest sense? If you had to give one up, which would it be?

I think my sight is strongest. I would give up my sense of smell? Maybe? I don't know I like them all and need them all sooo.

  • How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

I literally do not even know. Too many to count, honestly.

  • What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

One time I thought I was going to give birth to Baby Jesus. But something I consistently believed that was strange? I'm not sure. There's nothing I can think of right now.

  • What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?

I could give it up if I really wanted to, but reality TV. Definitely what I feel most guilty about.

  • Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know?

Uhm no one? We are all selfish and poor soooo

  • How often do you read the newspaper? Which paper? Which sections?

Not as often as I'd like or as I should but in my life I have the Sunday paper in Lancaster most often and I usually read the arts and entertainment section and maybe whatever I found interesting on the front page. (Anna, this is a thing I'm going to start doing more often. Reading the paper and staying informed. But also alternative news sites because I don't really trust the media OOPS)

  • Which animals scare you most? Why?

NOT squirrels they are evil and terrifying but I am more scared of spiders. Probably most scared of centipedes. Why? Because they are fucking gross and they move too fast and EW I cannot.

  • Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?


  • What was the most recent compliment you’ve received and savoured?

Ben called me his friend and probably didn't know I took it as a compliment BUT I did because it is really weird to be fulfilling 12 year old fantasies.

  • What is something about yourself that you hope will change, but probably never will?

No. (But really, I will probably never be comfortable confronting people. I have begun to change that, but I think it will always be a struggle and I am sure I will always look for ways to avoid it)

  • Are you a creature of habit? Explain.

Yes and no. I am willing to do new things but most of the time only if someone is with me.

  • Are you high maintenance? Explain.

no? I don't think so. Can't explain that if I'm not sure.

  • When was the last time you really pushed yourself to your physical limits?

Jesus Zumba

  • Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why?

Both. I know a lot of people and I'm friendly with them, but I'm not close to many.

  • Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others?

Unleash the potential of others

  • What’s a strange occurrence you’ve experienced but have never (or rarely) shared with anyone?
  • What do you think about more than anything else?

Ughhh. y u ask mi dis? boys/sex/love/romance (uhghgjkfhdkhguirhdg)

  • What’s something that amazes you?

SO MUCH. Honestly, so much. But on NYE I was talking about how weird it is that we can hear things, like being able to hear is strange but ESPECIALLY "hearing" your own thoughts. Just thinking in general. fuckin WEIRD. How do I see/hear things without stimulation? blows my mind. our minds and brains are amazing.

  • Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Why?

Uhh. A mix? can I have mix? Because it depends what it is I guess.

  • Where’s your favourite place to take an out-of-town guest?

Hmm, I've never taken anyone here but probably Magic Gardens (in Philly) and Square One or Central Market (in Lanc)

  • What’s one thing you’d rather pay someone to do than do yourself? Why?

Nothing, I'm a cheapo. But actually that's a lie. I am a lot more likely to pay for food than to make my own.

  • Do you have a catchphrase?

"Aiight, bitchessss" (But no one believes that I said that more than once the night it first happened. It's just my catchphrase in my mind)

  • What’s your reaction towards people who are outspoken about their beliefs? What conditions cause you to dislike or, conversely, enjoy talking with them?

I find it refreshing, I think. I really, really enjoy when people are not only outspoken, but open to discussion. I really, really hate it when people are close minded and aren't open to any sort of discussion at aall.

  • How and where do you prefer to study?

The comfy chairs at the tech when it's not unusually hectic, the lounge when no one's watching tv or talking, or the kitchen table when Anna is also doing work. basically, when I am around other people who are also studying because then I feel more motivated, but not when it's super busy because then I will be distracted.

  • What position do you sleep in?

All of them. I probably fall asleep half on my side, half on my stomach more than any other position.

  • What’s your all-time favourite town or city? Why?

I love love love Philly and I love love love Lancaster and I love love Brooklyn (only 2 loves on purpose) BUT I have visited Asheville once and have wanted to go back ever since. That was 4.5 years ago. I fell in love. Perfect blend of city and country (not like cowboy country but like earthy, crunchy, hippie country with mountains and veg. food everywhere).

  • What are the top three qualities that draw you to someone new?
      • The ability to make me feel welcome/not awkward/comfortable. Congrats if you can do that.
      • someone who seems "alternative" (in their looks and their thinking. be my frnd plz)
      • someone who is smart, intellectual and cultured. BE MY FRND. (Anna lets find more people like this)
  • How has your birth order/characteristics of siblings affected you?

I am the oldest, but I was pretty much raised like a single child so it's hard to say. I tend to "mother" people, but I don't think that has much to do with Lily.

  • If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?

Being so reserved/awkward/shy. If I could magically be even a little more outgoing and not so scared of confrontation or "putting myself out there" that would be GR8.

  • If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?
      • First I will say, I do not believe in this, really. If it is meant to be restored it will be, if not, then it is unhealthy to dwell on that and to wish that things would be different. Things happen for a reason and they are what you make them. But 2. Nelly. Easily.
  • If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

I WOULD NOT BECAUSE I LOVE MY NAME. Ignoring this because it does not apply. Wouldn't do it. I'd rather be nameless than have another name (this is obviously an exaggeration).

  • Do you believe ignorance is bliss? Why or why not?

Yes...? More like it's just more comfortable but I think people need to get over that and be willing to be uncomfortable because that is how we learn and grow and better ourselves and each other.

  • What do you consider unforgivable?

I would say that I forgive pretty easily, when it comes to wronging me. I am probably less likely to forgive you if you someone I care about. Eventually there comes a point, though, where I will feel that I need to stand up for myself and if I do that and you don't respond by apologizing BYE. But there's nothing specific really that I can think of right now (on a small scale. If we're talking like war crimes, animal cruelty, etc. then the list would go on)

  • Have you forgiven yourself for past personal failures? Why or why not?

Yes? Yes. I have tried to learn and grow from every experience. I think it's important to forgive yourself because harboring a grudge, especially against yourself, is so unhealthy. Don't regret it! Learn from it! Grow from it! Forgive yourself and learn to love yourself!

  • How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize?

I have discussed this. I forgive pretty easily, regardless of whether or not there is an apology, but if I really open up to you about how heart I am and you don't apologize and keep on doing whatever it is that is hurting me-I am probably done because if you know me at all you should know that I do not confront people easily and if I do it means I am really hurt AND want to try and fix whatever's going on because I care about our relationship...I am rarely driven to confront people so if I do that should be a wake up call.

  • Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for?

You know, I am not really sure. I would die for certain people in my life, but I don't know about anything else.

  • To what extent do you trust people? Explain.

Both too much and not enough. I can't explain it. It's weird. (Probably because that is my relationship with my dad-trust him entirely but also not at all)

  • In what area of your life are you immature?

is love an answer? like romantic love/relationships? I have lots of ideas but not really any experience.

  • What was the best news you ever received?

Uh, that I got into college? (anna, do not laugh, junior year grades were ROUGH for me. This is not an exaggeration. It was NOT good.) So, probably getting into school was the best news I've had so far. Also, I don't like to admit this, but I was SUPER excited when I found out I was going to have a sister and even more excited when she was finally born.

  • How difficult is it for you to be honest, even when your words may be hurtful or unpopular?

I am not answering this because we all know. I AM TRYING THOUGH.

  • When did you immediately click with someone you just met? Why? What was the long term result? Conversely, are you close with anyone now that you really disliked at first?

I don't think that happens very often because it takes me a while to warm up. (Anna, can you count? Because I know I met you last year but I didn't really MEET you until this year). Also, I just have trouble finding people I WANT to click with and when I do they all already have friends. Uh, I guess I didn't really like Bri that much when I first met her (I still don't sometimes shh) but now I am close to her. But I have like 6 friends so this is hard. I probably would've said Josh because I thought he was so weird buuut we are not close anymore.

  • When do you find yourself singing?

Any time I am alone.

jan 6 2015 ∞
jan 9 2015 +