• punky children's librarian with no less than 4 visible children's lit tattoos including Le Petit Prince and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a Roald Dahl illustration with a colorful bike and cat-eye glasses
  • someone who has a very peaceful morning routine of waking up, drinking coffee in an airy white and wooden space, journaling and listening to soft music
  • someone who reads a book a week and attends a writing/reading club
  • a hyper-fashionable hijabi who pulls off an openly Muslim-centered lifestyle
  • someone who goes on loosely planned solo trips to exciting places and blogs her way through it
  • someone who exercises daily, plans meals, does yoga on the regular, buys expensive running outfits and camping gear, has rock climbed before, can call themselves spry
  • a full-time activist for body positivity, Palestine, Islamophobia, intersectional feminism, Ukraine
  • a visual artist
  • someone who makes most of her own clothes, frequents thrift stores for alterable pieces
  • an urban farmer with four chickens, rain barrels, an egg selling business and a substantial garden
  • a zine writer
nov 19 2015 ∞
nov 19 2015 +