- Lust: intense obsessions with too many things, River Phoenix, I love certain ideas so much that it sickens me, Aliaksei
- Gluttony: I enjoy food more than the average person, I compulsively treat myself, especially with coffee beverages
- Greed: liberal borrowing of everyone's clothes, attention whore to the max
- Wrath: I hold grudges forever, I'm good at making it known that I'm angry with them, can be extremely cold in situations that perhaps aren't so extreme
- Pride: Aliaksei has raised my self-esteem to newer heights, very vain about my hair, eye and skin color, and writing awards
- Sloth: different methods of procrastination have become a huge pillar of my day-to-day activities, I really have to work to get myself up for any reason
- Envy: harsh relationship envy for no reason, middle-child syndrome
oct 22 2013 ∞
aug 18 2014 +