• "Dorothy" from The Wizard of Oz dress my mom made for a Halloween costume and I wore it to the grocery store for two years
  • "Hex Girl" dress: blue/grey terry dress with a hood and a silhouette of a girl with pigtails on the front, reminded me of the Scooby Doo specials with the girl power band, The Hex Girls
  • dainty pink floral dress I wore to my aunt's wedding rehearsal dinner and then to my school pictures in the first grade
  • structured black and red plaid dress from Wet Seal that carried my through my 7th grade emo phase
  • deep v-neck long-sleeved black dress I wore to my 8th grade promotion and then again to my 9th grade semi-formal dance
  • thin tan floral dress I bought at the H&M headquarters ten minutes before closing the night I accepted my Scholastic Silver Medal in NYC
  • junior prom dress my family spent a month slaving over (china doll perfection)
oct 22 2013 ∞
aug 18 2014 +